Newsletter Summer 2024




Do more with the NHS App!

Order Repeat Prescriptions

Book appointments

View your records


And much more...



Patient Participation Group (PPG) 

Next Meeting: 6.30pm Thursday 5 September 2024 

Dr Ganesh will share with us the realities of general practice:

  • Cyber attack
  • A patient’s survey
  • Support groups
  • Summer Newsletter
  • A group exercise

Both male and female patients are warmly invited to share in this special opportunity.

Time will be given also for patients’ issues including suitable topics for discussions in 2024/25 - A current proposal – Men’s health.


Our Team

Clinical Team

GP Partners:

  • Dr E Burton-Brown (F) BM, MRCGP, DFSRH, DRCOG 2006
  • Dr T Boswell (M) BSc MBChB MRCP DFSRH 2008
  • Dr V Ganesh (M) MRCGP BSc MBBS 2014

Associate Doctors:

  • Dr S Bella (F) MBBS, MRCGP, DFSRH, DGM, MSc Ger, PGDip ME 2002
  • Dr B Brayford (F) MB BS 2010 
  • Dr K Gokaraju (F) MB ChB 2007
  • Dr T Tavakkoli (F) MD and MRCGP 2015
  • Dr Hettie Dolby (F) MB ChB 2016


  • Fiyinfoluwa Babatunde MB BS 2018*
  • Nicolo Favero MB BS 2017*

Advanced Nurse Practitioner:

  • Mrs P Hughes (F) BSc Advanced Nursing Practice/ Dip Asthma Care NARTC (1994)/ Dip COPD Manag NARTC (2002)/ Dip Diabetes Manag (2003)/ FP Cert ENB (1995) / Independent Prescriber (2007)

Nursing Team:

  • Rutendo Tarumbwa BSC Adult Nursing
  • Martha Duyile-Knigt Practice Nurse 

HealthCare Assistant:

  • Anisha Mane
  • Imrane Visoka

Practice Based Pharmacist:

  • Leslie Quaye (M) MRPS / IP
  • Grazia Frioni Pharmacy Technician 

Admin Team

Management Team:

  • Roksana Kalisz Partner /Practice Manager
  • Oksana Bellerby Deputy Practice Manager
  • Teisha Alexander Operations Manager

Our Reception Team:

  • Lizeth Alobuelo* (Apprentice) 
  • Isis Aderibigbe* (Apprentice)
  • Irene Conneely
  • Charlene Grant
  • Fiona Mahoney
  • Simran Matharu
  • Angelika Monlouis* (Apprentice)
  • Haydn Vassell
  • Jazmin Devine 

Our Secretaries and Referrals Team:

  • Mae Shoebridge     
  • Simran Matharu

Our Data Team:

  • Linda Connor Care Coordinator
  • Charlene Grant Care Coordinator
  • Simran Matharu Care Coordinator
  • Imrane Visoka Prescriptions clerk

PCN Staff

Tooba Khalid Pharmacist
Tosin Tomori Pharmacist
Ena Oven Mental Health Practitioner
Natalie Parker Social Prescriber
Nicolette Bell Health and Well-being coach
Beatriz Castro First Contact Physio
Gary Chan First Contact Physio
Scarlett McCalla First Contact Physio
Joshua Tan First Contact Physio
Cameron Richards First Contact Physio


How to book an appointment

If you need a treatment or advice from the surgery please use the steps below. Some local services provide specialist help quicker and easier.

Please visit our Self-Help page on our web site for more details.


When you have an Urgent acute health issue

  1. To book an urgent telephone or face to face appointment with the right clinician at the surgery or at Tessa Jowell (it can be a Advance Paramedic, Mental health Practitioner, etc.) Home visits are offered to housebound patients only.
  2. For emergency issues, to signpost to A&E
  3. To signpost to a more service (Minor Eye Clinic, Pharmacy First, Sexual Health Clinic, Podiatry clinic, etc.).

When you have a routine/ongoing health issue, need a sick note, need a follow up appointment or have an administrative issue

  • Please visit our website and tell us more about what you need through Contact us online tab. online consultations are available from 8am on work day. When the capacity is reached, you might be advised to submit it on the next working next day.
  • All online requests are triaged by a Duty Doctor on the same day. You would be contacted by an email/ text message informing you about the next steps.
  • You might be booked or sent a link for a face-to-face appointment, telephone or text contact from an appropriate clinician at the surgery or at Tessa Jowell (it can be a GP, Advance Nurse Practitioner, Mental health Practitioner, First Contact Physio, etc.)
  • You might be signposted to a more service (A&E, Minor Eye Clinic, Pharmacy First, Sexual Health Clinic, Podiatry clinic, etc.).

When you need to have a vaccination, smear test, wound care. When you were invited for Asthma, COPD, Diabetic review, Blood pressure check, etc.

  • Please follow a link to book an appointment, if you received one, or call on 02082 991 234 after 10am.
  • Receptionist will discuss your needs and book the most convenient available appointment with a Practice Nurse at the surgery or at Health Centre or with a HealthCare assistant for appropriate duration.

Practice Nurses:

  1. Provide vaccinations and injections
  2. Support long term conditions (Asthma and COPD)
  3. Tend dressings and stich removal
  4. Provide family planning and sexual health advice
  5. Give travel advice

HealthCare Assistants:

  1. Carry out health checks and holistic assessments
  2. Support with long term conditions (Diabetes, Hypertension, etc)
  3. Administer vaccines and injections

Cyber attack on the local lab

On Monday 3 June Synnovis, a provider of lab services, was the victim of a ransomware cyber-attack.

This is having a significant impact on the delivery of services at Guy's and St Thomas', King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trusts and primary care services in the South East London and we apologise for the inconvenience this is causing to patients and their families.

Emergency care continues to be available, so patients should access services in the normal way by dialling 999 in an emergency and otherwise using 111, and patients should continue to attend appointments unless they are told otherwise.

We will continue to provide updates for local patients and the public about the impact of the services and how they can continue to get the care they need. The attack is impacting testing; blood tests are on example of tests which are severely impacted. If you have an appointment for one or more of these, it may be cancelled or rearranged.

NHS partners and Synnovis are working urgently to fully understand the impact of the incident with the support of the government's National Cyber Security Centre and our Cyber Operations team.
The local NHS have set up webpage where the latest updates will be posted. You can view this here.


Menopause webinar - Managing the Menopause webinar with Talking Therapies Southwark

Talking Therapies Southwark are running a Managing the Menopause webinar on Thursday 19 September 2024 at 12:30 pm on Teams. 

The webinar is primarily aimed at individuals who live in Southwark or who are registered with a Southwark GP, or both. The 90-minute session will focus on: signs and symptoms of the menopause strategies to support mental and physical well-being before, during and after the menopause support and resources available.

People can register for the webinar by emailing their full name, date of birth, address, postcode and GP practice. 


Communication update

If you use the NHS app, please switch on your notifications in order not to miss the important messages from the surgery. 

We are planning to contact the patients by email more. Please make sure email address in your records is correct and give us your consent to use it for communication. It saves the surgery’s valuable resources.


Southwark Service User Network (SUN Project) - Information for service users

What is SUN?

Southwark Service User Network (SUN) is a community-based support group for adults experiencing difficulties with complex emotional needs. SUN aims to empower people to problem solve their current struggles - emotional, relational, social, and practical.

How can our service can help you?

We offer crisis and peer support groups for adults in Southwark with emotional and relationship difficulties.

Who can join SUN?

You can refer yourself to Southwark SUN Project if you are an adult who lives in the borough, or if you are registered with a Southwark GP. We welcome people from all sorts of backgrounds to learn from each other's experiences.

Contact details

Phone: 0203 228 1901

How the group works

Each group runs for two-and-a-half hours with breaks. You can attend Southwark SUN groups as often or as little as you wish. SUN groups offer peer support. Members both offer and receive support at different times. Two health professionals facilitate the group. All of the support provided by Southwark SUN Project happens within the groups themselves, in a confidential and safe space. New members are helped to complete a Crisis and Support Plan (CASP).


Pre-Diabetic Group clinic

Nicolette, our Health and Well-Being Coach, was very pleased to welcome 11 patients at Diabetes Prevention Group Clinic. The programme's objective was for patients to  have a better understanding of diabetes and the role of lifestyle changes related to nutrition, sleep, movement, stress management and mind-set. Nicolette collaborated with the Healthier You, NHS Diabetic programme. The goal is to transition patients from her clinic to the Healthier You programme for continued support over the next 9 months. 

Some of the patients came back with their positive feedback:

"I enjoyed the group sessions although I felt I was quite well informed before. Concentrating on the nutrition and food labels was really helpful and I think I'm much more aware particularly with soft drinks and cereals. My recent blood test last week showed I am no longer pre diabetic so something worked. I think the group sessions are really motivating. Thank you – HM. "

A lot of useful information and advice, but probably most of all opportunity to share and hear others experience and questions about changing habits and lifestyle in a friendly safe environment. I found this encouraging. – JB

"I really enjoyed the group and found your positive and enthusiastic approach to diabetes just what the doctor ordered. Your introduction of other helpful individuals and related subjects providing a more holistic approach is just what the NHS needs hopefully preventing and reducing illness rather than reacting to the consequences. I wish you and the team all the best. Regards SC. "

"The clinic was brilliant, and very informative. It was nice to meet and speak to others on the same journey, all of us very different from each other - in age, weight, height, etc but all going through the same thing. Even though I feel quite knowledgable about healthy eating / lifestyle, there was still a lot to learn and understand, and Nicolette was brilliant at explaining it all and keeping it fun and lighthearted. Since the clinic, I've made some changes to my diet that I'm managing to stick to, and also increased the level of activity I do, including a lot more walking! It helped me realise that with these changes I can take back control of my pre-diabetes, and reduce it myself. Thank you Nicolette! " - AK


Carer Peer Support Group - South Southwark primary care network

About the group:

The carer peer support group is a twice monthly online meeting and is an open invitation to anyone who is providing care for someone. It is a space to learn, share and maybe even make some new friends. The first half of the session we have a speaker coming in to talk about a relevant topic and an opportunity to discuss any specific questions you might have. The second half is facilitated peer support. It is a chance to share challenging experiences, positive ideas or discuss whatever comes to mind.

This is a space for you as a carer. There is no pressure to have your camera or mic on if you don't want to, or even attend for the whole session but like lots of things, we do believe the more you put in the more you get out of it.

Speakers and topics are announced in advance.

If you are interested in this group or want to find out more information please contact Natalie.


Physiotherapy App (getUBetter)

Physiotherapy app (getUBetter) is provided free of charge for patients registered at Forest Hill Road Group Practice.

It can be accessed on a Smartphone or on the Web and guides you day-by-day through a sequence of exercises and tips to help you recover from a  range of new or recurrent musculoskeletal conditions: Lower back pain, Back and leg pain, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Ankle Pain,  Knee Pain,  Soft Tissue Lower Limb Pain, Hip Pain.

You will be referred to the app by one of our GPs or Physios, or you can self-refer by visiting our website. 


Pharmacy First Scheme

Communities will be able to get treatment for 7 common conditions at their high street pharmacy without needing to see a GP.

Pharmacists will be able to assess and treat patients without the need for a GP appointment or prescription. The major expansion of pharmacy services will give communities more choice in where and how they access care, aiming to free up GP appointments for those who need them most. Patients can be referred to the pharmacy by GP practices, NHS 111 (including NHS 111 online), Urgent Treatment Centres and Emergency Departments.

Please see more information and find participating pharmacy here.


Pharmacy contraception services 

NHS community pharmacies are an accessible and convenient place for people to receive advice and support for contraception management. 

To find a pharmacy delivering this service please search here.


Southwark Pharmacy First +

Southwark Pharmacy First Plus provides professional health care advice, treatments, and medicines for common illnesses from your local pharmacy, without the need for an appointment.  
Patients can be referred to the pharmacy by GP practices, NHS 111 and walk in.

Common Illnesses included:

  • Allergies, Athlete’s foot
  • Blocked/runny nose
  • Cold and flu
  • Cold sores
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Constipation
  • Coughs and colds
  • Diarrhea, Dry/sore eyes
  • Ear wax
  • Fever
  • Hay fever
  • Headache
  • Head lice
  • Indigestion
  • Insect bites and stings
  • Itching due to chicken pox
  • Minor burns and scalds
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Nappy rash
  • Piles
  • Sore throat
  • Sprains and strains 
  • Teething
  • Threadworm
  • Vaginal thrush

Read more here.


Pharmacy Blood Pressure Check 

The NHS Community Pharmacy Blood Pressure Check Service supports risk identification and prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

A community pharmacist is offering anyone a free blood pressure check who is over the age of 40; has not previously been identified as having hypertension or a related condition; and has not had their blood pressure measured by a health professional within the previous six months.

All blood pressure readings are sent to the general practice so records can be updated and appropriate action taken.

General practices can refer patients to a participating community pharmacy for a clinic blood pressure reading or for 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.


Vaccination Season

Flu and Covid:

We would be inviting patients who are eligible for flu vaccination in due cause. If you are not interested or were vaccinated by another provider, please let us know, to avoid further invitations. Covid vaccination of housebound patients would be provided in collaboration with local health authority. Eligible patients would be informed directly. 

Whooping cough vaccine: Whooping cough can be serious for very young babies.

Having your whooping cough vaccine whilst pregnant helps to protect your baby until they are old enough to have their first vaccines at 8 weeks.

Speak to your midwife, doctor or GP surgery.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV):

If you're at least 28 weeks pregnant or aged 75 to 79, you can get your free respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccination here.

MMR immunisation:

Measles Resurgence in London - Measles cases are increasing across London. All children are vaccinated with MMR as per the routine immunisation schedule. All eligible individuals without two recorded doses of MMR can be offered their vaccination.


Easy to read information about cancer 

Cancer Alliance

What I need to know about cancer: If your doctor tells you that you have cancer ...

  • It may feel stressful, sad and overwhelming.
  • Sometimes information can be confusing.
  • If you have found out you have cancer, would you like some support?

Finding out you have cancer


Books Beyond Words


Cervical screening

British Athletes join forces for new NHS campaign to help eliminate cervical cancer. Cervical Screening (formally known as a smear test) is a free NHS health test that is offered to women and all people with a cervix between the ages of 25 to 64. It helps prevent cervical cancer by checking for human papillomavirus (HPV) which can be passed through forms of sexual contact.

Please visit for more information and videos.


Other Local services and Self-referrals

Antenatal Care at King’s College Hospital
Please use this link to self-refer to antenatal service.

The Bridge @Southwark 
GP primary care clinic for Trans, Non binary and intersex people is opened in association with CliniQ once a month by appointment through email.

Providers that give practical and emotional support to unpaid carers, empowering them to actively manage the challenges they face and thrive. Join by self-referral.
Carers UK Line Web site | 0808 808 7777
Southwark Carers Web site | 020 7708 4497
Lewisham Carers Web site | 0203 8860970

Community Podiatry
Community Podiatry clinics offer a range of services to assess, treat and advise people on any foot condition.

Self-referral form | 020 3049 7900

Physiotherapy app (getUBetter) guides you day-by-day through a sequence of exercises and tips to help you recover from a range of new or recurrent musculoskeletal conditions.

You can self-refer by visiting our website.

First Contact Physiotherapy
The service is available for Southwark patients with new musculoskeletal conditions.

Appointments can be booked by reception over the phone or by contacting us online.

Healthier You
NHS Diabetes Prevention programme for Type 2 diabetes.

For support please self-refer here.

Minor Eye Conditions Scheme
Local Opticians provide free assessment and treatment for many common eye conditions.

  • Specsaves at Peckham - Unit 3, The Aylesham Centre, SE15 5EW | 020 7277 7222
  • R Woodfall Opticians in East Dulwich - 46 Lordship Lane SE22 8HJ | 020 8299 6622

Pharmacy first  More information
The Pharmacy First scheme available in some Pharmacies and covers advice and treatment for the following conditions:

  • Allergies
  • Athletes foot
  • Chicken Pox
  • Cold sores
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Constipation
  • Coughs & Colds
  • Diarrhoea
  • Earwax
  • Fever
  • Hay Fever
  • Head lice
  • Headache
  • Indigestion
  • Insect bites and stings
  • Minor Burns and scalds
  • Mouth Ulcers
  • Nappy rash
  • Piles
  • Sore throat
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Teething
  • Threadworm
  • Vaginal Thrush 

Sexual Health Clinic
Clinic Provides full range of sexual health services 7 days a week with a walk in clinic available.

Service information can be found here | 020 7188 6666

Stable and Steady classes
The classes are for Lewisham residents aged 65 and over, to improve strength and balance, reduce the risk of falling.

More information can be found here020 3049 4493

Strength and balance classes for fall prevention
Free exercise classes for Lambeth and Southwark residents to improve strength, balance and confidence when walking. 

More information can be found here | 020 3049 542 

Talking Therapies Southwark
Talking therapies or psychological help for common mental health problems like stress, anxiety and depression.

You can refer yourself directly to an NHS talking therapies service by filling self-referral form online | 020 3228 2194

Talking Therapies Lewisham 
This is free and confidential help for Lewisham residents who are feeling low, anxious or stressed.

Self-referral is available online020 3228 1350

Young Southwark Sexual Health
Free, non-judgmental support, guidance and information to 16-25’s in Southwark about relationships, sexual health and contraception.

More information can be found here

Published: Aug 27, 2024