Contact Us Online


Service availability

Monday to Friday from 8am. 

What is Accurx?

Accurx is an easy-to-use platform where patients and healthcare professionals communicate.

  • This is recommended to use to seek advice on Ongoing Routine Health and Admin issues.
  • Enquiries about symptoms or condition is sent to the Surgery for advice. 
  • Enquiries are triaged by a Duty Doctor.
  • Patients are contacted by text or phone with further action and advice.
  • Our Reception team can guide though this service in person or over the phone.
  • WiFi is available at the reception for the patients if they need to help to submit their query.
  • When this service reaches capacity, you will be asked to submit the following day.

Learn how to submit an online request

A doctor will review your request the same day and advise on the next steps, which may include self-care advice, a prescription, or an appointment.

Use Accurx